Saturday, December 12, 2009

Hydrocortisone cream and pregnancy?

I used some over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream earlier this evening. After a few hours, I got worried about my baby (I%26#039;m 33 weeks pregnant), so I washed it off. Does anyone know if hydrocortisone cream is contraindicated during pregnancy?|||I was specifically told by two doctors that hydrocortisone cream IS NOT safe during pregnancy. It gets absorbed into the skin and the bloodstream. There seems to be a lot of contradictory statements on here so you really should consult with your doctor. With that said, the small amount that you put on once is not going to hurt the baby. Just make sure you consumt with a doctor before using any skin products because quite a few of them do make it into the blood stream.|||Hydrocortisone is safe during pregnancy. Although this hasn%26#039;t been proven 100% true, doctors still agree that there have been no known cases of it affecting the fetus.

EDIT: There are two types of hydrocortisone. One is cream the other is an ointment. The ointment is thinner and is absorbed into the blood stream quicker than cream. Also, if you use hydrocortisone for less than seven days and don%26#039;t keep a bandage on the applied area there is only a very small chance it will absorbe into the blood stream.

I think I should know a little more about this since I went through 4 years of schooling to answer questions like this....|||YES IT IS, i use it for my excema before i got pregnant, the first thing the gyno told me was to stop using it as the steriods in it will penetrate your skin and go to the baby.

trust me i have been using that stuff for over 12 years or more, i have had excema since i was 2 months old|||Hydrocortisone is safe during pregnancy. Here is a link to WebMD with a chart of safe medications for a variety of symptoms.|||it can affect your baby but generally only if you use huge amounts of it all the time. My doctor told me it was ok to use it but not for more than 7 days

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