Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Can I put hydrocortisone cream on my 18 month old son?

My son has a rash, i looked on the net to find what kind of rash it was, but i can%26#039;t find it. I was wondering if i could put Hydrocortisone cream on it. If it is safe for a small child? The rash turns red when he gets hot and has small white bumps, almost like small blisters. It spreads to different spots then dissapears. But when he gets hot it comes back. It%26#039;s not a heat rash.|||Sounds like you should see a doctor to find out what it is, and maybe make sure your son doesn%26#039;t overheat. Are you *sure* it%26#039;s not a heat rash, considering it%26#039;s caused by heat?

In the meanwhile though, yes, you can use a little hydrocortisone if it%26#039;s not on something he%26#039;ll stick in his mouth or eyes (like, don%26#039;t use it on his hands). In the *long* run, corticosteroids (like hydrocortisone (=over the counter) and triamcinolone (=prescription only)) will make the skin thinner which can cause problems, so if his rash keeps coming back, you really need to see the doctor to see whether there is something better you can do. Maybe make sure all his clothes are cotton, or maybe switch washing powder or something.|||Hydrocortisone cream is ok to use on small kids. Use sparingly, and use should be less than half the days in the calendar. My son with eczema has been using steroids much stronger than Cortisone 10 maximum strength 1 percent ointment which he started with at 2 months old. Then we got the prescription hydrocortisone 2.5 percent, then hydrocortisone acleovate, hydrocortisone valerate, and finally trieminsimilone.|||take him to his doctor asap my baby had that they gave her a special cream but it was very painful for her.

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