Saturday, December 12, 2009

Can you use hydrocortisone cream on a dog?

You really need to contact your vet first before using ANY medication on your dog.

but, yes...I%26#039;ve used hydrocortisone 1% cream on one of my dogs when he had a rash on his belly caused by allergies. BUT only AFTER my vet recommended it.|||Hydrocortisone belongs to a class of drugs known as glucocorticoid steroids, meaning they are steroid hormones with a glucose (sugar) molecule attached. Such hormones are produced naturally by the adrenal glands.

Hydrocortisone is also known as cortisol.

Similar to other glucocorticoids, hydrocortisone has wide-ranging effects on cells of most body systems. The primary drug effects of hydrocortisone are reduction of inflammation and suppression of the immune system.

You can buy it in petstores, like petco and petsmart.|||Not unless you%26#039;ve been advised to do so by your vet. Never use any human meds on your dog without running it past your vet first - even a small overdosage can be fatal, and some human meds are toxic to dogs full stop.

If your dog is showing signs of illness you need to have him or her checked over by a vet who can give an appropriate diagnosis, rather than just trying to cure the problem yourself.|||If you use this on your dog please be certain there are no ingredients in it that would harm your dog if it ate it. Some of the hydrocortisone creams now-a-days have lidocane in them. That is not something you want your dog to be eating.

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