Saturday, December 12, 2009

I was prescribed hydrocortisone cream for dermatitis,?

will using that cream affect my adrenal glands or cortisol levels in my bloodstream?

also, if i%26#039;m puting it on my eyelid and the cream from on my eyelid touched my hair and then that peice of hair goes in my mouth can that harm me?|||Simply put, no. There won%26#039;t be enough systemic absorption from the small area of skin to which you%26#039;re applying the cream to affect your adrenal glands or any other part of that system. Ingesting a minute amount will not be harmful though the taste will likely leave much to be desired. The greatest danger is that you may suffer eye irritation if the cream is absorbed through the eyelid. Should this happen, simply flush your eye with water (it will not damage your vision).|||Hydrocortison cream is usually an %26quot;over the counter%26quot; cream I think.. But anyway, if you were actually prescribed something, your doctor probably knew what he was doing.. I wouldn%26#039;t think that the cream would affect anything like that, and it shouldn%26#039;t harm you if it got into your mouth from a strand of hair.. I probably wouldn%26#039;t suck some out of the tube, but I%26#039;m sure I little bit like that would be harmless!

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