Saturday, December 12, 2009

My son has a rash, I took him to the doctor and she gave him hydrocortisone cream 2.5% and Nystatin. She said?

mix them for two days than use the nystatin the rest of the week. It is getting worse and is spreading. Does anyone have any advice on how to treat this diaper rash.|||I just let my son air out as much as we could when he had his rash and before he goes to bed I make sure he has ointment of some sort on so it will act as a barrier with the wet diapers in the night. So far in 5 months we have had only one diaper rash.|||the doc suspects fungal rash,,,,,,,,,shoulda taken skin scrapings for the lab to culture,,,,,,,maybe shorty reacts to formula,,,,,,,or has impetigo,,,,,,,,,nystatin is an antifungal agent named because place of formulation was n ew y ork st at en i kills fungus (candida albicans) by punching a hole in # 450 cytochrome.fungus ,mold,yeast is 90 + percent similar to human dna,,,,,,,,,researcher on charlie rose sts categorically that yeast is entirely harmless to human beings,,,,,,,he oughta talk to moms driven up the wall by a half animal half veggie type organism whose taste for human tissue seems might ask for nystatin oral powder for junior to swallow in fruit juice,,,,,,feedem with your on-board meal service,,,,,,,make sure rash is not contact dermatitis, allergy to bedding, mites or bug eggs on clothing,,,,no source of mold in your house....if there is use ps disinfecting foam from supermarket,clean hose with the stuff,clean %26amp; air out his this when kids are out of the house,air everything real good,,,,,,,ps foam kills a lot of staph ,plus trychophyton mentagrophytes.basements can also be a source of fungal %26amp; mold growth.a sunlamp if available can help to kill the stuff because of ultraviolet rays,,,,,,,,,caution in using it around kids %26amp; you of the am talk stations advertises for help with indoor mold encapsulation,,,,,,,they have a shep named laddy who sniffs out mold sources,,,,think its called permaseal|||Ask your pediatrician, especially if it%26#039;s getting worse. On advise on how not to get diaper rash is change the baby%26#039;s diaper more frequently. Make sure you pat the bottom with powder to help absorb moisture.|||Anytime I have been given nystatin I was suppose to use it 3 times a day for about a week. The other times you change him use the hydrocortisone cream. Make sure you are using a wipe EVERY TIME you change the diaper. Good luck|||I have used both of those creams. My son had a diaper rash that would not go away. The doc said buy Resinol-it is a burn cream-you have to go to the pharmacist to get it (it is behind counter). I never did try it-every pharmacy was out. I just made sure to bathe him every day-sometimes 2-3x. I also let him go without a diaper to air out. Just put a towel under him and fold it over-it will be loose(to prevent him from peeing in his own face-lol).|||Let him go without his diaper for a little bit, pad him bed, air is going to be the best thing for it|||Instead of using a wet one, use a warm wash cloth, then put the cream on him. There is a drying agent in wet ones and could be making his bum extra sensitive.|||My son%26#039;s pedi gave us nystatin ointment for his diaper rash because nothing else was working (destine, powder, etc.) to use two to three times a day. If the rash is still getting worse, I would look at the type of diaper, wipes, soap, etc.. that you are using, he may have an allergy or sensitivity to something else that you are using. Look for things with fragrances or dyes in them and try to eliminate them. Another thing that may work is to let his butt air off between diaper changes a bit. I have found that being in the open air helps a bit too. Just lay him on a towel or something and loosely cover to protect your self and your surroundings. I would also make a trip back to the doc and see if anything else is recommended. Best of luck, I know how bad you feel when it seams there is nothing you can do to make things better.|||Yes. You need a water based product that will penetrate your baby%26#039;s skin and deeply condition and hydrate with the proper ingredients to treat his rash. Arbonne has a great baby care line that is botanically-based and pH correct, pediatrician and dermatologist tested, non-sensitizing, non-irritating, and formulated without nut oils. Their diaper rash cream is formulated with oat flour which is an emollient and an emulsifier. It鈥檚 highly absorbent and hypoallergenic. Oat flour helps to soothe and soften dry, itchy and sensitive skin. You cannot purchase Arbonne through retail stores. If you%26#039;re interested in learning more, I%26#039;ll be happy to help you.|||Let his bum get aired as often as possible and use plain water to clean his bum then once it has cleared up you can use fragrance free wipes he may have sensitive skin, thats what i got told by the docor for my 15 week old son and his bum is fine now.|||air him out as much as son gets horrible diaper rashes from disposable diapers i switched to cloth and no more terrible rashes....warm oatmeal bath works too.....hydrocortisone and nystatin is used for yeast diaper infections if the diaper rash isn%26#039;t yeasty it probably will do nothing at all...the creams should work within a day and you%26#039;d see a difference but since theres been no improvement I%26#039;d stop using them...|||If the nystatin is not working try switching the diaper brand or the baby wipes brand maybe he%26#039;s allergic to one of the other. It might also be the baby shampoo, baby soap or whatever it might be you bathe your child with.|||YOU NEED TO PUT POWDER ON BABIES WHEN YOUR DONE GIVING HIM A BATH AND WHEN U CHANGE HIS DIAPER!!|||If you have been using the cream for a couple of days and it is still getting worse, i%26#039;d take him back to the dr. or maybe to a different dr. because any treatment should start to work within a couple of days.|||Plain old Desitin always worked for my kids. Use it for about a week and use it everytime you change him. Wash the area frequently. If it gets to look like open sores, take him the to the DR right away.|||you should try using a natural baby powder after washing him also do not put on any pampers for him but get the cloth diapers that does not keep the heat of his body in when he urinates or poop , this will keep him cool or if you are home with him just leave him bare at times it works wonders try as soon as possible thats very painful for them because it burns keep him off the pampers as much as you can and maybe the pampers you are using is not good for him maybe you need to change to another brand

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